Unleash Your Business Potential with Cutting-Edge Marketing

Faith Web Designers excels in marketing, creating platforms that stand out from the rest

At Faith Web Designers, we create cutting-edge marketing platforms that unleash your business’s potential, guided by our Christian-based values of integrity, service, and excellence. Our expert team combines innovative design with advanced functionality to craft unique, user-friendly websites tailored to your needs. We enhance your online presence with effective SEO strategies and targeted Google Search Ads, ensuring high search rankings and increased traffic. Whether you’re a startup or an established business, our commitment to faith and excellence helps you stand out in a crowded digital landscape, driving engagement and growth.

Raleigh North Carolina Skyline

Our Mission

At Faith Web Designers, our mission is to empower small and midsize business owners by creating high-quality and user-friendly marketing platforms. Guided by Christian values, we are dedicated to providing exceptional service with honesty, respect, and consideration for our clients’ needs. We strive to bridge the gap for businesses that lack marketing knowledge, ensuring they have a professional online presence that drives growth and success. Every business deserves a beautiful, functional website, and we are committed to making that a reality.

Our Values and Principles

  • Integrity

    Proverbs 10:9 - "Whoever walks in integrity walks securely, but whoever takes crooked paths will be found out."

    At Faith Web Designers, we uphold the highest standards of integrity in all our dealings. We are committed to honesty and transparency with our clients, ensuring that our actions align with our words and promises.

  • Service

    Mark 10:45 - "For even the Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve, and to give his life as a ransom for many."

    We believe in serving our clients with dedication and humility, putting their needs above our own. Our goal is to provide exceptional service that reflects the love and care we are called to show as followers of Christ.

  • Colossians 3:23-24 - "Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord, not for human masters, since you know that you will receive an inheritance from the Lord as a reward. It is the Lord Christ you are serving."

    We strive for excellence in every project, ensuring that our work is of the highest quality. By doing our best in all endeavors, we honor God and provide our clients with outstanding websites and marketing services.

The Story Behind Faith Web Designers

Faith Web Designers was founded in October 2019 by Carlos Cerritos after his retirement from the Army. Initially, the company focused on creating simple landing pages using Wix. Over the past five years, the company has undergone significant growth and transformation. By continuously improving and expanding its services, Faith Web Designers transitioned to using WordPress for more robust and SEO-friendly websites. In 2022, the company broadened its offerings to include Search Engine Optimization (SEO) and digital marketing services, addressing the increasing demand from small and midsize businesses for comprehensive online presence solutions. Despite facing challenges in the early years, the company has steadily built a reputation for quality and customer satisfaction, emphasizing affordability without compromising on service quality. Today, Faith Web Designers continues to evolve, leveraging advanced tools and techniques to provide top-tier web design and digital marketing services while staying true to its foundational values of honesty, respect, and consideration for clients’ needs​​​​.

Faith Web Designers - every business deserves a website

Meet the team


Founder / CEO / SEO Specialist

Photo of Nicole


Web Designer

Photo of Marcelo


Graphic Designer


Web Developer


Web Designer


Graphic Designer